Changes in 2.1.10 to 19
- Changes in 2.1.19
- Changes in 2.1.18
- Changes in 2.1.17
- Changes in 2.1.16
- Changes in 2.1.15
- Changes in 2.1.14
- Changes in 2.1.13
- Changes in 2.1.12
- Changes in 2.1.11
- Changes in 2.1.10
Changes in 2.1.19
Released 2020-01-16, build 3c8690ae.
Fix formatting and images getting lost when creating cloze deletions.
Added an option to the preferences screen to strip formatting by default.
Fix the preview button shortcut key not working.
Changes in 2.1.18
Released 2020-01-14, build fb9d59fe.
Fixed Anki failing to start for some users updating from Anki 2.0.
Fixed the alternate Windows build failing to start on Windows 8.
Changes in 2.1.17
Released 2020-01-11, build c69ccb50.
Linux version repackaged on 2020-01-12 to fix a 'make install' issue.
Improved the performance of the browse screen’s sidebar for users with many decks/tags.
Add-ons that modify the sidebar will break when you update, and will need to be updated by the add-on author.
Add-ons that alter the audio handling may need to be updated, as code has moved from anki.sound to aqt.sound.
Changing large note types is significantly faster.
Added an option in the preferences screen to adjust the user interface size.
You can now double-click on an .ankiaddon file to install it (thanks to Glutanimate).
Updated GUI libraries for the standard installs and the alternate Windows install.
The minimum Python version is now 3.7, and the packaged versions ship with Python 3.8.
The alternate Linux build has been dropped - you will need to be on a Linux distro from 2016+ with systemd support to use the packaged version.
Source tarballs are available from the releases tab of the GitHub repo.
Added an option to tag updated notes when importing (thanks to Erez).
Automatically remove ':' from field names when opening the card templates screen, as it conflicts with the template syntax.
Fix a bug in the handling of MathJax+Cloze (thanks to Michal).
Fixed a regression in the way duplicate deck names were handled.
Remove help button from some Window titles.
Changes in 2.1.16
Released 2019-12-12, build 4bc33e2f.
Due to some minor issues that were found, the website was not updated to point to this release.
Pasting now includes formatting by default.
Preserve foreground/background color when pasting.
Preserve bold/italic/underline when pasting from Google Docs.
When pasting with the shift key, bold/italics/underline is also stripped.
Ensure learning cards in filtered decks with 'order due' show in template order.
Remove the 'experimental' label from the new scheduler.
You can now import and export decks with scheduling enabled in the new scheduler.
Hide empty Default deck in deck picker (thanks to Arthur).
Add an extra day to the interval when using Easy on a relearning card.
Preserve surrounding styling when making cloze deletions.
Draw preview screen more quickly.
Fix race condition in preview screen (thanks to Håkon).
Use --exact with dvsvgm to prevent truncated subscript/superscript in LaTeX.
Newly created cards could be given the wrong due number (thanks to Arthur).
Sticky fields were ignored when closing the add card window (thanks to Arthur).
Adding a note type forced a full sync (thanks to Arthur).
Remove shortcut keys from translations (thanks to Arthur).
Documentation changes for translators (thanks to Arthur).
Case not being preserved when changing a deck’s parent (thanks to Arthur).
Hide default deck in other screens when empty (thanks to Arthur).
Fix qtwebengineprocesses not being cleaned up when stats window closed.
Allow smaller window when editing current card.
Support pasting multiple URLs at once.
Add ability to force software rendering on old Macs (thanks to Mike)
A fix for case insensitive field name handling in find&replace (thanks to lovac42)
Fix non-integer intervals being imported from Mnemosyne (thanks to Blauelf)
Clear undo queue when changing scheduler (thanks to lovac42)
Default to not closing add window (thanks to Aidan)
Sort new cards separately when sorting by ease (thanks to Arthur)
Fix a bug in the V2 scheduler.
Properly handle backslashes in the replacement section of Find&Replace.
Various small fixes.
Changes in 2.1.15
Released 2019-08-22, build 442df9d6.
The V2 scheduler now fully randomizes review cards due on a given day.
Fix add-ons errors on Windows when profile path was short.
Fix flag changes in Browse screen not syncing.
Cleanup recording wav file when recording canceled.
Fix the window icon on Wayland (thanks to Wilco).
Add a progress bar to media deletion.
Other minor changes.
Changes in 2.1.14
Released 2019-06-27, build 7b93e985.
Fix a bug in the V2 scheduler that would cause partially learnt cards removed from filtered decks to revert to an earlier state.
Fix a bug in the handling of relearning cards when switching back to the V1 scheduler.
Fix lost space when pasting indented text.
Limit image height relative to window height, not document height.
Fix deck list being re-rendered unnecessarily.
Remove the 'unable to connect to local port' message.
Changes in 2.1.13
Released 2019-05-20, build 3ba55990.
Fix formatting getting lost when copying&pasting between fields on macOS.
Fix some issues that cause the main window to get stuck.
Fix an empty deck list sometimes appearing when restoring from a backup.
Fix Anki hanging after an error occurs during startup.
Fix error caused by profile with trailing space on Windows.
Fix error message when syncing with an unconfirmed email address.
Use jsonschema for add-on manifests (thanks to Erez).
Warn in DB check when high due numbers are encountered.
Improve error messages on full disk and failed add-on deletion.
Fix relearning cards being given learning step count in V2 scheduler.
Fix preview window failing to appear when 'show both sides' enabled.
Removing trailing BR tag when pasting into an empty field.
Don’t throw an error when non-Latin text in the Javascript console can’t be shown.
Double click on add-ons to edit their configuration (thanks to lovac42).
Fix the window icon in a few screens (thanks to John).
Don’t highlight the deck selection button in the add screen on Windows.
Improve the default 'type in the answer' note type.
Changes in 2.1.12
Released 2019-04-23, build eef86bf3.
Fix an issue that could prevent profile renaming/deletion on Windows.
Fix fields appearing under editor buttons.
Fix memory leak in card layout screen.
Fix some issues with previewing in the Browse screen.
Fix card counts not updating when a review is undone.
Fix an error that could occur on startup on some Windows installs.
The Mac build now uses the new hardened runtime on Mojave.
Change focus outline colour on Windows.
Fix an error caused by missing note types.
A possible workaround for the audio player getting stuck on Macs.
Display the installed version in the Windows uninstall screen.
Fix an issue checking for add-on updates (thanks to Glutanimate).
Disable add-on config button when not appropriate (thanks to Glutanimate).
Tweaks to the 'deck age' graph binning (thanks to Jian).
Add-ons hosted on AnkiWeb can now define conflicts in the manifest file.
Switch to mplayer on the alternate OS X build, as mpv was not working on some older machines.
Make sure mpv doesn’t attempt to load scripts from default location.
Other minor fixes.
Changes in 2.1.11
Released 2019-03-11, build 3cf770c7.
Change Undo shortcut back to Ctrl+Alt+Z/Cmd+Opt+Z in Browse screen, to prevent accidentally undoing non-text changes when editing fields.
Revert a previous card template optimization that could cause an error.
Suppress a spurious error message that could occur when editing.
Changes in 2.1.10
Released 2019-03-07, build 22d6feed.
Add option to strip html in export.
Avoid nbsp for single spaces when pasting text.
Fix preview screen flashing when moving between cards.
Improvements to the add-ons screen (thanks to Glutanimate).
Support .ankiaddon bundles (thanks to Glutanimate).
Improve subpixel antialiasing on some machines (thanks to Glutanimate).
Improve Japanese interface font on Windows 10, and make it possible for translators to change the font for other languages that need it as well.
Fix inability to start if problem occurs on first run.
Allow decreasing daily limits in custom study.
Add a button to copy debug info to about screen (thanks to Glutanimate).
Fix problem running from source on Windows (thanks to dlon).
Allow add-ons to serve files from mediasrv (thanks to Glutanimate).
More user-friendly error messages for some network errors.